You Can Do All Things

You Can Do All Things

Believe that you can do ALL things through Christ that gives you strength!  Get out of your comfort zones & step into your purpose.  Take the risks, do the work, and watch God do the rest!!!

Staying Hydrated:  Drink Your Water

Staying Hydrated:  Drink Your Water

Drink your water, drink your water!  Make sure you drink your water!!!

We hear this all the time but do we truly understand the importance of it?  We know that it’s important to drink water to prevent dehydration but what does water do for our bodies?  Well, according the Harvard Medical School Special Health Report entitled, 6-Week Plan for Healthy Eating, water has many important jobs such as:

  • Carrying nutrients and oxygen to your cells
  • Flushing bacteria from your bladder
  • Aiding digestion
  • Preventing constipation
  • Normalizing blood pressure
  • Cushioning joints
  • Protecting organs and tissues
  • Regulating body temperature
  • Maintaining electrolyte (sodium) balance

Therefore, it is imperative we give our bodies enough fluids to stay hydrated in order to function properly!  

In January 2021, I did something I thought I would never be able to do…I started drinking a gallon of water each day!  You see, I was already drinking mostly water, just not nearly enough!  So I went to Amazon, searched for a cute water gallon, and next thing you know, it arrived in the mail!  It was HUGE!!!  I remember having that feeling of “girl, what are you thinking?!”  The first few days were a struggle, I can’t even lie.  But just like with most things, the more you do the easier it becomes.  Now, my body craves it and it has become  part of my daily lifestyle.  If there’s a day that prevents me from getting a full gallon in (i.e. long trips, days I may not feel my best, etc.) I do not beat myself up about it.  I just fill it up the next day and continue on with the same goal.

Here are some tips to getting your water in:

  • Flavor it
  • Track it using a water bottle
  • Join a challenge
  • Make sure you take it with you everywhere you go
  • Tie it into a routine 

Do you find it easy to get your fluids in or is it more of a struggle?  Let me know your thoughts!  I would love to hear!

My Plan…

My Plan…

As I mentioned last week, I discovered my purpose and started doing what I could with what I had available to me.  It’s true, I was determined to learn all that I could about this particular industry so the internet was my best friend.  During my research I discovered a spa brand that I fell in love with.  It’s called the Woodhouse Spa (formally known as Woodhouse Day Spa).  When the dream was placed in my heart I told my husband two things, “I’m open to going the franchise route,” and “I do not want to offer hair services!”  I may not have known much about spas at that time but I did know those two things for sure!  During my research, I discovered that Woodhouse was, in fact, a franchise.  I loved the support they gave from beginning to the end, they did not offer hair services, and I loved the overall look and feel of the brand as well as the culture. I tell you all of this to point out the main fact, MY PLAN (from 2011 until 2020) was to own a Woodhouse Spa totaling nine years of me believing and going after this dream.  Nine years is a long time so I had to ensure I added this very important detail to my story as it is a huge part of my overall journey!

Becoming a franchise owner was my plan and I was sticking to it!  No one could tell me otherwise and I’m not making this up…you can ask some of my former co-workers!  I loved this brand so much that I wanted to learn as much as I could, and trust me I did!  I had one prayer, that God would allow me the opportunity to work there prior to opening my own.  I don’t want to spoil it & I want to ensure I share my story in the order in which it occurred, but a few years later you’ll see that God answered my prayer & I did eventually get the opportunity I hoped for!  It was unbelievable!  I’ll tell you more about this later as I don’t want to get off track here!  

The moral of this part of my story is, it’s good to have a plan but we sometimes realize that things don’t always go according to how we expected!  If you stick with me you’ll see how God had other plans!  One thing that will always remain true, Woodhouse Spa will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart and it has definitely served as a stepping stone to get me where God is trying to take me!  

Below I want to share some photos of my very first visit to the Woodhouse location in Orlando, Florida back in January 2014.  This was an experience I’ll never forget and meant SO much to me!!!

Next week, I plan to share an actual journal entry I wrote back in 2014 sharing what it was like to finally transition to the spa industry!  Stay tuned!  More to come on this crazy journey!

You’re Closer Than You Think

You’re Closer Than You Think

Don’t look at how far you have to go, look at how far you’ve come!

Remember, great things take time!  It’s a process! Don’t get so consumed with how far you have to go without taking the time to notice your wins along the way!  Enjoy the journey!

Morning Routines…Do You Have One?

Morning Routines…Do You Have One?

How we wake up and start our mornings, especially in the world we live in today, is super important.  Easing into your day versus rushing to get things done as soon as you wake is super beneficial to one’s wellness because you’re choosing to put yourself first!  Morning routines help us to be more present, it allows us to set our intentions and tone for the day, it provides us with more energy, and helps us to be more productive as well.  

It is an absolute must for me to wake up early before the family wakes up to have my, what I like to call, “quiet time.”  There’s something special that happens when you wake up and the house is still quiet.  I can ease into my morning, do all the things I need to do for “me,” then start my day with the right intentions and with a calm mind, ready to conquer my day!  My routine consists of prayer, meditation and reflection, gratitude journaling, coffee, and workouts.  I always like to suggest to people, do what works best for you but start somewhere.  Even if it’s just 5 minutes to sit in silence before you do anything and build from that.  

A recent article I found published by suggests that having a healthy routine could also be the key to one’s success.  Many of the world’s most successful people incorporate routines like the following to create better habits:  commit to a ritual (doing an act the same way every morning so much so that it becomes habitual and easy to do), morning meditation, exercise, practice gratitude, eat a real breakfast, journal, read, etc.

You can read the full article here.

No doubt, beginning your day with a morning routine will help you not only start your day off right but it will help your day flow much better, your mind will be set with good intentions, you’ll have more energy, and be more productive too.  I would encourage you to find a routine that is best for you!  Whatever it may be.  All that matters is that you do what you can to ensure you start your day off with what you need so you can conquer your day to the best of your ability!

This is your friendly reminder to take care of YOU because you matter and you deserve it!