I Discovered My Purpose, Now What???

I Discovered My Purpose, Now What???

So I finally figured out my purpose, “help others take care of themselves and I’m going to be able to do this by owning a spa promoting good health and wellbeing.”  Got it.  There’s only one issue, I know NOTHING about spas!  You see, at this stage in my life I had only been to one spa and that was on my honeymoon in 2009. A memory I’ll never forget. I will always remember the aroma I inhaled once I stepped foot in the door having hints of fresh lemongrass.  This was, in fact, my first encounter ever with aromatherapy and my only experience with spas.  

As I mentioned last week, I realized my purpose at 25 years old while working full-time with the government and this is officially when my dream began.  I continued my employment there for another 5 years knowing it was not my final destination but I still continued to work my job to the best of my ability, giving it my all.  Why?  Because I knew where I was headed and I believed in doing all things in excellence no matter what. 

With that being said, I also decided to do what I could with what was available to me in support of my dream.  I began to research the spa industry every single day, looking for any information I could find that would be valuable to me as an aspiring spa owner.  I didn’t realize it at the time but I actually started sowing seeds early into my vision.  In addition to researching the industry, I started attending business networking events, opened a savings account to help keep my dream alive, met with a Small Business Development Manager at a local bank to seek wisdom & advice, and subscribed to the WellSpa 360 (formally known as DaySpa Magazine) monthly subscription service reading each publication faithfully!  I did all of this while working diligently with the government.  Was it easy staying on a job you did not enjoy?  Definitely not, but I found that doing what I could with what I had at the time definitely helped keep my dream alive and helped to strengthen my faith as well.  It helped pay the bills too of course!  It wasn’t long before I realized that this was becoming a journey & wouldn’t happen overnight.  I didn’t know how, I didn’t know when, and I had so many questions, but I was determined to never lose sight of where I was headed, no matter what!

My encouragement to you today is to stay the course.  We all have our own paths in life.  Mine started in 2010 and I’m still on this journey today!  Don’t ever lose focus of your dreams.  Do what you can, with what you have.  It’s those small steps that add up and put you a step closer to fulfilling your dreams.  No matter how long it takes, keep going and remember God’s timing is perfect!!

Next week, I plan to tell you about how I discovered a particular spa brand during those 5 years while still being employed with the government, what my plan was after I discovered it, & why it will always have a special place in my heart!  You may have heard of this particular brand but it’s such a huge party of my story there’s no way it can be left out!  There’s still so much more of my story to come and I promise you it’ll keep getting better and better!

Keep Moving Forward

Keep Moving Forward

If you can’t fly, then run.  If you can’t run, then walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.

~Martin Luther King, Jr.

In honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day I thought it would be a great idea to inspire you with one of his very well known quotes.  

I want to encourage you today while on your personal journey of becoming who you were destined to be.  When the doubt, the fear, the hard times, the setbacks or even the negative thoughts show up & try to take over your mind and make you think of giving up on your dreams, I got one word for you…DON’T!  KEEP MOVING FORWARD no matter what!  You have a purpose to fulfill!

Step Out On Faith

Step Out On Faith

“Being in God’s will & passionately fulfilling His purpose for your life is worth every risk, every uncertainty, and every chance you take.  Step out in faith & live a daring life today!

This is a quote from Joyce Meyer who I’ve been following for years now.  I find this to be so timely and the perfect inspirational message to choose as my very first initial post to inspire us all on our journeys!  We all need to be reminded of this from time to time!  

Here’s to stepping out on faith & living a daring life!!!

How It All Began:  Discovering My Purpose

How It All Began:  Discovering My Purpose

Hello, my fellow dreamers!  Ok, so I can’t bring you on this journey with me without first taking you all the way back to how this dream even began.  Each week (on Wednesdays), I plan to walk you through my story of becoming a spa owner.  The updates to my journey will be a continuation of the week prior so sit back, buckle up, and journey with me!  

I don’t know about you but for me, I did not grow up dreaming of becoming a spa owner one day.  I did, however, grow up having a love for business and people.  When I was young I remember saying, “I want to be a CEO when I grow up” and to be honest I was unaware of what the acronym CEO even stood for.  Nevertheless, I knew it had to do with business and I could tell the CEO was in charge of running things!  

While attending graduate school I accepted a position with the federal government in the area of Information Assurance and Cyber Security.  This was the job I expected to have until retirement.  I was 23 years old, doing my thing, working with the best people, and climbing my way up the leadership ladder.  Let’s not forget the amazing benefits you get while working as a federal employee; I still miss those to this very day!  However, there was one major problem I could not ignore, I did not enjoy it!  I loved the people, but not the job.  I had a feeling deep down inside that there was more for me.  I knew that staying with the government for years to come and ultimately retiring was not the route for me, personally.  I felt something deep down on the inside telling me there was more.  It was a feeling I felt so strongly that I knew, at 23, I had to figure out what my purpose was.  You know, that thing you’re called to do that only you can do to help serve others in some way.  This took a great deal of self-reflection, a whole lot of prayer, and some soul-searching.  I wanted something that was fulfilling, something that brought me great joy.  There were two things I was sure of, I loved business and I had a love for people.  In addition to this, I’ve always “secretly” dreamed of owning my own business someday but I had no idea what that business should be.  So, my prayers began to get a bit more specific.  I began to ask God for some guidance. “Lord help me determine what business I should own.”  I literally had no clue.  I had thoughts of becoming a real estate agent, and a gift shop owner, I even tried out for American Idol in the early years (yeah, I know)!  Hahahaha…  I was desperately trying to figure it out.  


Well, one day, on April 15, 2010, at the tender age of 25 I unexpectedly got my answer while taking a rest.  I heard a small whisper saying “You’re going to open a day spa.”  Those were the exact words.  It’s a day I’ll never forget & the day I realized what I was called to do.  I was called to help others take care of themselves.  I didn’t quite understand it at the time because I knew nothing about spas!  Nevertheless, I jumped up, wrote it down in my planner so I would never forget that particular date, and made a promise to do everything I can to become the best day spa owner I could be and inspire others along the way.  My spa may not be in operation YET, but I know I’m closer than I’ve ever been and I would love to continue this journey with you!  Let’s make our dreams a reality, together!

Next week, I’ll be sharing the things I did after I discovered my purpose.  Stay tuned, you don’t want to miss it!

What Wellness Means to Me

What Wellness Means to Me

I believe it’s important to let you know what wellness means to me before I dive into providing tips and advice to help you on your wellness journey.  

The term “wellness” means different things to different people.  However, for me, I believe wellness is an individual active pursuit.  It’s choosing to make the right choices on a daily basis that will help lead us to a happy and healthy lifestyle.  It’s about finding out what your mind, body, & soul needs to help you be the best version of yourself!  However, wellness just doesn’t stop there. Wellness, in my opinion, has more of a whole-body (holistic)  approach and includes the following:   mental health, physical health, nutritional health, emotional health, spiritual health, financial health, and social health.  

Starting our days with intention, how we think and engage the mind (i.e. reading, podcast, music, etc), moving our bodies, making good eating choices, getting proper rest, drinking water, attending annual checkups, surrounding ourselves with good company, being present at the moment, receiving body therapy, using good skin care, doing the things that you love, taking long walks, prayer and meditation, all of which are activities that can lead to being well and living a happy & healthy lifestyle.  

To sum things up, wellness is all about taking care of YOU!  The key is figuring out what wellness means to you and then, with intention, incorporating those activities into your daily lives in order to live the life you deserve and show up as your best self!

What does wellness mean to you?  I encourage you to take a moment to think about this.  No matter how you choose to define wellness I hope you’re taking time each day to prioritize YOU and your well-being so you can live your best life, one that is happy, healthy, and whole!