Patience During The Process

 Patience During The Process

Good morning everyone!  I have to start out by saying that I truly missed you all last week!  One thing that I’ve learned is how to give yourself grace when you need it the most.  You see, I planned to have a new blog post up last week as I normally would but with school starting coupled with all of the other things going on behind the scenes with the business I was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed.  Everytime I stopped to write my mind was cluttered with so many things I needed to do that I felt a bit of anxiety trying to creep in.  My creative thoughts, as it relates to writing, wasn’t giving what it normally gives so I decided to take a week off from posting!  Did I feel bad about it?  I actually did not.  I am a firm believer in giving yourself grace when you need it!  The old me would have felt guilty but as I get older I do believe in the importance of putting yourself first and last week I did just that.  Plus, I would never post something just to post it.  It must feel right and come from my heart as all my previous posts do!

Now that I’ve gotten that off of my chest let’s talk about this week’s topic….having patience during the process.  I know they say great things take time but let’s face it, waiting is not easy to do!  I, personally, have been diligently waiting for the approval of something for my business for 6 weeks now!  Yes, six weeks!  It is needed in order to continue to move forward with making my dream a reality and unfortunately I have NO control over it.  I feel like it’s yet another test of my faith to see whether I’m going to keep the faith knowing that it’s already done or am I going to worry and stress out about it.  Well, I’ve wholeheartedly chosen to keep the faith knowing all things are working as they should and the approval will come in its set time!

On this journey I’m realizing that God will keep you in a position to have to depend on Him to do what He promised.  The moment we feel like we got this on our own is the day He’ll show us otherwise.  That way, when great things start to happen in our lives He gets all the glory for it!  

As I wait for good news I realize that He is working behind the scenes although I can’t see it!  Much like myself…I’m working every single day on plans for my dream but you can’t see it!  Each day gets me a step closer and closer.  Patience is not easy but after all I’ve experienced to get this far I know for sure that good things do come to those who wait!  

That is my encouragement to you today!  Good things come to those who wait!  Don’t get weary in well doing!  Keep working, keep staying focused on your end goal, and expect good things to happen every single day!

Continue to have the most amazing week and continue to be great as we strive, together, to achieve our dreams and live life to the full!

Be well, stay well!

The Importance of Preparation

The Importance of Preparation

Hello and Happy Wednesday!  I hope you are having a productive week thus far!  If, by chance, your week isn’t going quite the way you expected it’s not too late to turn it around.  Each day is a new opportunity to do something great leading to progress.  You got this!

Being prepared for the journey, no matter what your end goal is, is key to your overall success.  Let’s face it, no one will be interested in what we have to offer if the person behind the brand/business doesn’t have any knowledge of what they’re doing. Plus,  the more prepared you are the greater the confidence and your confidence is your superpower!  There are many things you can do to prepare yourself and it doesn’t always take a lot of money.  I would love to share with you some of the things I did on my journey to ensure I was prepared.  They are as follows:

  • Started researching and educating myself on things relating to my industry
  • Started a savings account
  • Attended business networking events
  • Subscribed to a magazine publication to stay current with industry trends/demands
  • Got hands-on experience in the industry by working at a spa
  • Prepared a business plan
  • Connected with a spa coach
  • Connected with a mentor
  • Expanded my network with other like minded individuals
  • Invested in industry events

All of which helped to further develop me both personally and professionally and they all occurred during different seasons on my journey.  I may not know what your dreams and aspirations may be but if it’s something you truly feel you’ve been called to do and you get excited doing it, wanting to prepare yourself should come natural.  It will be something no one has to force but, instead, you’ll continue to find new ways to prepare yourself for all that is to come!  One thing my husband always tells me is “preparation is never time wasted.”  All those many years ago when I started researching the industry and doing what I could with what I had, it wasn’t wasted.  Some of the best ideas I have today to implement in my business are things I came across many years ago!  Some of those connections I made attending business events back in 2011 and 2012 are some of the best connections I’ve ever made and we still inspire and motivate each other today.  Writing my business plan was quite the experience but it serves as a roadmap for me today and will help to ensure my goals are met and my business is a success. 

All I’m trying to say is prepare yourself!  Nothing is too small or too big.  If it’s something that pushes you closer to your destiny and further develops you then do it!  Yes, each season will be different but remember to use what you have and if you have more to invest in yourself it will be worth it!  

Plan accordingly and remember preparation is never time wasted!!!

See you next week!!

Faith and Business

Faith and Business

Hey there and welcome back!  I hope you are still working hard to achieve your goals.  I honestly can’t believe that July is almost over!  Time is flying by and waiting for no one so we must continue to live life and live it more abundantly!!!

I felt it in my heart to talk about faith and business this week.  Faith has played such a huge part in my journey of becoming who I was created to be so it only makes sense.  There is NO way I would be today, typing this message on a blog to share my story and undergoing a process to secure funding for my business had it not been for my strong faith!  What is faith?  Faith is having hope & believing in something you can’t see.  You can imagine it, you can dream it, but it hasn’t manifested yet!  If you’re reading this I’m sure you, too, can relate and agree that having faith is needed to help keep you moving forward.  

On my journey there are countless times where I had to depend fully on my faith even when it didn’t make any sense.  Let’s make it real.  Here are some examples:   when the dream was planted in my heart in 2009 and it didn’t make sense because I didn’t know much about spas, when God told me it was time to leave my current job to begin working on your own business (very uncomfortable), when God told me to start the blog to begin sharing my journey & my business isn’t opened yet (let’s just say terrified), when my first attempt at securing a loan was rejected (completely crushed & wanted to give up), and so many more but I’ll stop there.  All of these moments in my life required MUCH faith to get through.  I was able to keep the faith during these times because I stayed connected spiritually with God through prayer, by talking with him, and seeking His guidance everyday.  Although none of these experiences were comfortable I knew that if God was leading me to do these things or allowing these instances to occur it had to be for a reason and would all work for my good.  Don’t try to understand it while you’re going through it…we won’t be able to.  Just know that you’ll understand it as time goes on.  Your job is just to keep moving forward no matter what!

I like to tell people that my business is built on passion and purpose but it’s my FAITH that keeps me going.  Y’all, the journey will not be easy.  He never promised it would be.  BUT it will be worth it in the end.  My advice to you is keep the faith.  Never stop believing in your dreams!  Stay connected to a higher source…for me, that God.  I look to him for direction and He always provides me with specific instructions, always!  However, you must to be ready for whatever it is He leads you to do.  In most cases it will be uncomfortable but remember…His ways are better than ours.  He sees the end from the beginning so trust Him!  Keep believing.  Never give up and know that it will ALL be worth it!

Keep the faith!!!!  

See y’all next week!  Be well and be blessed!!

Spa Consultants: Questions to Ask Before You Invest

Spa Consultants: Questions to Ask Before You Invest

Hello and Happy Wednesday!

I hope you all are having a great week!  In case you’ve been keeping up, yes, I’m still making great progress on my financial SBA Loan process.  It is still in the works and I can’t wait to share all of the details with you!  Trust me, we’re getting closer to the finish line with this particular part of the process…it’s long but worth it!

This week I want to talk about spa consultants.  Are they needed?  My answer to this question is it depends on the individual and his or her needs.  For me, I knew I wanted to make that investment early on.  I connected with a spa consultant about 2 years ago when I began writing my business plan to open my own business.  I needed guidance, accountability, and motivation while embarking on this journey.  You know, the road to entrepreneurship can feel like a lonely one so staying connected to people who have been where you’re trying to go & know more than you is so valuable. 

Choosing the right spa consultant could take some time.  There are many different things one should consider while choosing the right consultant for you and your business goals.  For example, are they a good fit for you, are they qualified in your industry (relevant experience), do they have good listening & communication skills, etc.   Below I would like to share some questions you can ask your prospective spa consultant to get to know them a little better and to ultimately help you make your final decision:

  • How do you feel you can be of benefit to the project and how do you intend to execute it?
  • Do you have a client list of projects he or she worked on in the past?
  • Tell me about your experience and more about your work process.  What happens if a client isn’t satisfied?  
  • What is your payment fee structure?
  • Do you receive compensation from vendors for making recommendations for their company?
  • Will you be willing to sign a confidentiality agreement if necessary?

Although these questions will help you get to know your potential consultant better you must keep in mind that no consultant is perfect.  They will have their own areas of expertise & strengths they bring to the table so take your time choosing the best match for you.  Choosing to partner with a spa consultant has been one of the best decisions I’ve made and I would highly recommend any aspiring spa owner to invest in one if you have the means to do so as it will definitely help contribute to your overall success!

Have a great week and let’s continue to make our dreams a reality together!  We are closer than we think!!

7 Tips For Starting A Spa Business

7 Tips For Starting A Spa Business

Hi there!  Welcome back!  I hope you all had a Happy 4th of July!  I can’t help to say how much I enjoyed the day because it was my birthday!  Yep!  Fun fact– I was born on the 4th of July.  For many, many years I believed all the fireworks were for me!  Hahaha… I actually kind of still think that to this day!  This year, I decided to take some of my own advice for my birthday…I focused on taking care of me!  I celebrated by doing some of the things I enjoy like enjoying a nice dinner, going to the spa, eating some sweet birthday treats, and spending some good quality time with my family! I was, indeed, one happy and grateful birthday girl!

This week I wanted to provide some tips for anyone who may be thinking about entering into the spa industry.  I’ve been chasing this dream for quite a while now, worked with many people, learned a lot of lessons and decided to share in hopes of helping someone while on their own journey!

Here are 7 tips to remember when starting a spa business:

  1. Remember why you started

There will be many good days and some not so good days while on a journey to fulfill your dream. Therefore, we must remember why we want to become a spa owner {or whatever your dream may be}.  When we take time to remember our why it’ll push us to keep going on the days we need it the most!  I’ve personally had to do this very thing countless times.  I realized a long time ago that this dream is so much bigger than me.  I remember that God called me to do this and no matter how hard this journey gets at times I remember I was created for this and I have everything in me I need to accomplish the assignment.  And guess what???  So do you!!! 

  1. Plan, Plan, Plan

If you fail to plan you plan to fail.  I know we’ve all heard this one before but it’s SO true!  One of the first action steps I took on this journey was write a business plan.  Yes, I may have been dreaming of this for years but it’s nothing like putting your plans on paper.  There are numerous aspects to opening a spa like marketing, financial projections, inventory, operations, location, etc.  All of these areas require a well, thought out plan so it is imperative that you take all the time needed to prepare yourself.

  1. Stay connected to a community of like-minded individuals

Listen, this journey was not meant to be taken alone.  Surrounding myself with like-minded individuals has been one of the best decisions I’ve made while on this journey.  Have you ever heard the term “if you’re the smartest person in the room you’re in the wrong room?”  Surround yourself with people who have been where you are trying to go, people who are smarter than you that you can learn and grow from, people who motivate and inspire you.  Who we connect with matters so make sure you connect with the right people!

  1. Invest in professionals to help

Don’t be afraid to invest in industry professionals who can help you accomplish your goals. I believe the saying “it costs money to make money” applies perfectly here.  We don’t have all the answers nor are we experts in everything which is why we must hire the right people to help us get the job done.  For example, while writing my business plan I knew I didn’t have the skills necessary to produce the financial projections/worksheets that were required.  So, because I was connected to a spa community, someone within the group referred me to an industry professional who could help me get it done.  Not only did he help me get my projections done, his company will also be handling my bookkeeping as well.  Hire professionals to help you on your journey but, of course, make sure they’re the right fit for you and your needs.

  1. Stay up-to-date with the latest in the industry

Things change and evolve quickly no matter the industry.  Always stay up to date with the latest in your industry no matter where you may find yourself on your journey.  It will help you remain competitive & full of knowledge, help you stay in the know with consumer demands, and help you keep pulse of the industry and where it’s headed.   Never stop learning and growing as a professional as your success will depend on it!

  1. Save, Save, Save

I can’t stress this tip enough!  We must have savings set aside when building a dream/business.  This goes for everyone, even if you don’t need to borrow capital to fund your business.  Why is savings so important you ask?  Because when you’re starting a business we all know that most businesses don’t make a profit starting out.  No one has a crystal ball and can tell you how much money you’ll make starting out; we can only make projections.  There’s a lot of uncertainty and we never know if we’ll need additional funds to carry us through those beginning months…whether it be monies to help keep the business afloat or just monies to help pay your personal financial responsibilities.   It is wise and highly recommended for every one to save money before opening a business, no matter the industry.  

  1. Stay focused on the end goal

Don’t ever lose sight of where you are going!  Remember, you are only in a race against yourself.  Stay the course when things get hard and remember…everything you go through during the process will work for your good in the end…if you don’t give up!  Stay FOCUSED, stay DETERMINED, stay COMMITTED, and BELIEVE!