Living a Heart Healthy Lifestyle

Feb 24, 2023 | Be Well

Did you know that 1 in 2 adults have high blood pressure, yet only 1 in 4 have it under control? 


This is an extremely important fact because if high blood pressure is left uncontrolled it can lead to the following:  heart disease, heart failure, stroke, kidney disease, complications with one’s pregnancy, and cognitive decline later in life.  Therefore, we must be intentional about taking daily actions to aid in maintaining a heart healthy lifestyle!

In honor of heart month, here are 7 strategies one could take to live a heart healthy lifestyle:

  1. Learn your health history
  2. Eat a healthy diet
  3. Move more, sit less
  4. Quit smoking
  5. Take medicines as directed
  6. Choose your drinks wisely
  7. Monitor your blood pressure at home

Take note and be mindful of these strategies!  All are super important and can help you live a life with a healthy heart!  Remember, small changes over time lead to big results.  Let’s make sure we are living a heart healthy life together!  

To read the full article click here.

Written by Ke’Anna